Schedule Book Changes - Rank 3 Coaches (generally all but those in Japan) can add/edit/delete all 'Time Off' entries on their schedules except Lunch and Phone Times. Lunch and Phone Times are only able be added/edited/deleted through a Manager's Admin account. We have removed the "Include device (gear, space...)" checkbox when booking an appointment (this will be covered in an upcoming release in September). We corrected an issue where some Coaches who teach in multiple Centers could not book on Saturdays. We corrected a problem where some time off slots were duplicated when the Manager Approval function was used. The wording of some error messages were corrected.
CRM Changes - Corrected a problem with notes for CSR users. We now show counts on lessons and appointments shown in the right-hand column of Player Detail. Corrected a problem where TECFIT 3 fittings were not showing properly in CRM. gPUTT has now been removed from the options for Lesson Debit in CRM.
GOLFTEC Shop Users - Users are now created automatically in Magento Shop Admin when a user with appropriate permissions first logs into CaddyMaster.
Coach List - Adjustments were made to prevent duplicate entries for Coaches who teach in multiple Centers. The Coach List report now also shows Select Pricing.
Daily Planner Leads - Some Leads were not showing in Daily Planner based on the initial email they were sent. This has been corrected.
Health Survey - The Health Survey can now be turned on/off by Center.
Report Exports - We fixed a bug where the 'Export to PDF' button in Layaways Report did not work as expected. We corrected an error where discount % was not exporting correctly in Power Ratings.
CRM Fixes - Corrected a problem with birthdays showing a day off. Changed Lesson History to show listings in correct order.
Updates for CSRs - Resolved an issue where the Player Detail screen would not open from the CSR lead list. Fixed the 'Book a Lesson' button in Message Central so it works for CSR use. Changed the 'Send Email' feature of CSR to allow emails to be sent from CSR addresses.
Playing Lesson Changes - Email confirmations, reminders and changes related to Playing Lessons can now include details about the location of the lesson. Playing Lessons purchased a la carte will now show as 30 min credits in the student's total credit count.
Non-US Product Orders - Product Orders now supports addresses outside of the United States.
Center List Changes - He have added an OEM column for Edel account numbers and added a column to show which Centers have dedicated putting bays for TECPUTT.
Power Ratings Change - Corrected a problem where 30 and 60 minute fitting appointments weren't showing as LOBs.
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Swing Evaluation - On Sale $125
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